We will be getting weekly shipments of chicks early March through early June 2025, typically arriving Wednesday – Friday.
All premium laying chicks arriving will be sold FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE ONLY. In an effort to be fair to everyone, we will not be able to hold chicks.
We are also taking orders for White Cornish Cross Meat Birds, Rudd Rangers, Broad Breasted White Turkeys, and 16 week old Red Sex Link Pullets. – please reference our Chick Days Cover Page for availability.
Daily updates will be posted on our facebook page of breeds available.
Please call the store anytime for large or special orders.
CHICK DAYS 2025 Cover Sheet w/pricing (Download pdf)
All schedules are subject to change. We may add more breeds each week as they become available with the hatchery. Please follow us on facebook for daily updates of breeds available.
MARCH 2025 CALENDAR (Download pdf) APRIL 2025 CALENDAR (Download pdf) MAY 2025 CALENDAR (Download pdf) JUNE 2025 CALENDAR (Download pdf) Guide to Raising a Healthy Flock (rev. Jan 2024) (Download PDF)
Follow us on facebook for all Chick Days 2025 updates!
Everyday Poultry Feeds
Chicken Starter Medicated
This mash feed is formulated with added amino acids, minerals and vitamins and contains Amprolium, a coccidiostat that prevents cocci bacteria. We recommend feeding this grain to layer birds for 1-8 weeks and to meat birds for 10-12 days.
21% Protein, 3.5% Fat & 4.5% Fiber Max
Chicken Grower/Finisher Non-Medicated
Chick Grower/Finisher provides the nutrition needed for the chicks growing stages. It is easy to digest and consume in a crumble form. It contains a balanced amino acid profile to support the dynamic turn-over and growth of structural (bones, ligaments, and muscles) and protective (skin and feathers) tissues in the bird. This ration should be fed at week 8 until the first egg is laid and then a complete layer feed should be given to support optimal egg development.
16% Protein, 3.25% Fat & 6.5% Fiber Max
Complete Layer Pellet or Mash
To be fed throughout the laying period once the first egg is laid (16 -20 weeks). Our layer ration is designed for high production and egg quality. Grit and oyster shells may be added periodically if desired.
16% Protein, 3% Fat & 4.5% Fiber Max
Broiler Grower/Finisher 18% Crumble
A high energy feed for growing and finishing broilers. Feed continuously as the sole ration from approximately 10-12 days to market (42-52 days).
18% Protein, 4% Fat & 4% Fiber Max
Game Bird Crumble or Pellet
A ration for pheasants, quail, waterfowl, peacocks and poultry* (*during times of stress or molt). A fish meal based protein feed that is offered in a crumble or pellet to be fed to game birds from hatching to adulthood.
20% Protein, 3.5% Fat & 4.5% Fiber Max
Pigeon Pellet
A feed which can be fed to all ages of pigeons with or without hard grains.
20% Protein, 3.5% Fat & 4.5% Fiber Max
Turkey Starter Medicated Crumble
A feed designed for starting turkeys from day 1 to 8 weeks of age with Monensin which is a coccidiostat that aids in the prevention of coccidiosis in young turkeys. Amino acids are added for improving growth.
27% Protein, 4.25% Fat & 4% Fiber Max
Turkey Grower Pellets
Feed from 8 weeks of age to 3 weeks before slaughter. Amino acids are added for improved performance.
20% Protein, 3.5% Fat & 4.5% Fiber Max
Turkey Finisher Pellets
Should be fed for 3 weeks before slaughter. Finisher helps to put a cover of fat on the bird and increase flavor and tenderness.
17% Protein, 3.5% Fat & 5.0% Fiber Max
Emu Grower/Maintenance Pellet
Growing Emus: Feed free choice from 2 months to breeding age. Maintenance: Feed at least 4x/day the amount the bird will clean up in approximately 30 minutes, depending on bird’s condition. Hay or Alfalfa Pellets can make up around 1⁄2 the diet.
19.0% Protein 3.5 % Fat & 7% Fiber Max
Whole Corn
A supplemental feed that provides energy for cattle, sheep, goats and adult chickens
Cracked Corn
Whole kernels of corn that have been mechanically cracked. Improved digestibility versus whole corn (not recommended for horses). Adding corn to a ration increases energy level.
**Please note; ducklings, guinea keets, turkey poults, and broiler chicks will not be sexed. Broiler chicks and turkey poults need to be ordered in advance. Please see the Chick Calendars (above) for important order due dates.
We stock all your poultry supplies for the best prices; waterers, feeders, incubators, heat lamps, bulbs, thermometers, electrolytes & probiotics, egg cartons, nesting boxes, dust baths, flock blocks, mealworms & cakes, treats…..everything you need to raise healthy poultry!
Ask about quantity discounts on our manufactured feeds!